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KnLL Readiness classes help build and improve underprepared students in literacy and mathematics to be at grade level and succeed in all areas of life and in all areas of academics.


We provide students fun, hands-on game based math and literacy classes that are fun and interactive, STEM and STEAM classes that will  ignite a students learning, curiosities,  and ideas to be creative and free artistic thinkers! 




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We use Multi-Sensory teaching methods :


  • Vision

  • Movement

  • Listening skills

  • Tactile recognition and conceptualization      (auditory, kinesthetic, tactile & visual)

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Our Literacy Readiness classes build children’s literacy, comprehension & reading skills with fun hands-on strategies and activities.


We use comprehensive evidence based curriculum for building language and literacy skills which are among the greatest predictors for children’s learning success.

Fun math & life skills

Five areas of reading:

  • phonemic awareness,

  • word structure/phonics,

  • fluency,

  • vocabulary, and

  • comprehension,

  •  spelling

All kids should have fun learning!

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Our Math Readiness classes give students knowledge of:


  • Understanding math concepts

  • Using math manipulatives and games. 

  • Once a child understands a concept thoroughly, students can begin to then understand the symbols that represent math.


We use fun math skills and develop critical thinking skills that students will use for life.

 free consultation 

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